As a service we will work inline with HCPC standards of conduct, performance and ethics:
- Keep up to date and accurate records of our work.
- Be transparent when things go wrong.
- Manage, record and mitigate risk.
- Delegate tasks to individuals who are appropriately trained and supported.
- Communicate appropriately and effectively.
- Be honest and trustworthy .
- Report concerns about safety and safeguarding.
- Respect confidentiality.
- Work within the limits of our knowledge and skills.
- Promote and protect the interests of our service users, parents and carers.
Confidentiality and law:
We have a professional and legal responsibility to protect the confidentiality of our service users at all times
As health professionals we have a duty to protect the confidentiality of the people we have a professional relationship with.
We keep the following principles in mind when handling service user (children and young people) information:
- Take the correct steps to keep information about service users safe e.g. protect data with passwords and encryption.
- Ensure that we have consent, if we are sharing information (unless there is a good reason not to, for example to prevent harm to other people).
- Keep up to date with relevant law and good practice.
- Tell parents and carers when we have shared information (if this is practical and possible).
- Gain consent in writing to use identifiable information.
- When appropriate, we will ask for advice from our colleagues, professional bodies , unions and legal professionals.
- We will only share information when necessary and only the minimal amount necessary.